wear blue: run to remember

2024 Air Force Marathon

Runner/Volunteer Registration and Poster Request Form

The race organizers and security forces require additional information to participate in this event as a volunteer. Please provide the following, if you do not have a military ID to access the installation:

The tribute wear blue Mile features Faces of the Fallen posters, honoring service members who lost their lives while serving, no matter the cause of death.

To place a photo on the Mile, please upload a high resolution photo (if available) of your fallen service member here. If you have uploaded a photo in a previous request, please still upload a new photo now. If you have requested more than three service members’ posters in this registration, please follow the instructions on the confirmation page to submit additional photos.

For us to apply for funding for the upcoming year, we need to provide our future funders with the demographics of our participants. This funding allows us to support and expand our programming. Please fill out a few optional questions below.

Additional Information

Terms and Conditions

*Poster Requests close on August 23, 2024.